Running parallel to that is the Dark story, in which Dr. The Hero story follows Sonic, Tails and Knuckles as they attempt to thwart yet another of Dr Eggman's world domination schemes. Sonic Adventure 2's story is typical Sonic fare, although it tells its tale through two different perspectives.
But as the old saying goes: 'if at first you don't succeed, try, try again', and Sonic Team did indeed try again on the Dreamcast in 2001 with Sonic Adventure 2 before releasing an enhanced port on the GameCube the following year in the form of Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. It didn't take long for the cloud to lift from the judgement of players and critics alike and the camera issues, atrocious voice acting and various glitches that had been overlooked previously suddenly became more than just minor quirks. SEGA's attempt to have Sonic the Hedgehog transcend his 2D roots and venture into the realm of 3D didn't go nearly as smoothly as Nintendo's own Super Mario 64, despite Sonic Adventure being generally well received upon its release on the Dreamcast in 1999.